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Airspy HF+ Discovery SDR Rx

Product information "Airspy HF+ Discovery SDR Rx"

Der Airspy HF+ Discovery ist ein sehr kleiner SDR-Receiver, mit einem Frequenzbereich von von 500Hz bis 31MHz sowie 60MHz bis 260MHz. Die bandbreiten sind: 48, 96, 192, 384 bis maximal 768kHz.

Der HF+ Discovery ist ein Tuner-basierter SDR. Das bedeutet: Er arbeitet mit Mischer, PLL- Schaltung und VCO. Das Signal durchläuft von der Antenne kommend einen Schalter, der je nach eingestelltem Frequenzbereich die benötigten Hoch- und Tiefpassfilter (Preselektor) schaltet. Danach wird das Signal in einem speziellen Mischer gemischt und danach digitalisiert. Anschliessend durchläuft es die DSP und wird dann über die USB- Schnittstelle an den PC weitergereicht. Dort kann es mit diversen Programmen wie z.B. SDR# und SDR-Console V3 und HDSDR demoduliert und bearbeitet werden.

Die Arbeitsweise des neuartigen Mischers unterscheidet sich aber zu den üblichen Mischern von RTL- Tunern. Der HF+ Discovery arbeitet mit einem so genannten "Polyphase Harmonic Redjection Mixer". Dieser neue Mehrphasen- Mischer zur Unterdrückung von Oberwellen, ermöglicht dem Airspy HF+ Discovery herausragende Performance in der Low- Budget Klasse.

Testbericht von Fenu

Einen ausführlichen Testbericht von Fenu-Radio, mit vielen Hörbeispielen finden Sie hier: LINK zu


Als weiteres Highlight des Airspy HF+ 'Discovery' bietet die kostenlos zur Verfügung stehende Software "SpyServer" einen leicht einzurichtenden Remote-Server. Hier kann ein kleiner Computer (ein preiswerter Raspberry Pi o.ä. reicht) die Funktion des Servers übernehmen, an den der Airspy HF+ 'Discovery' angeschlossen wird. Über das Netzwerk kann dann auf die Empfangsdaten in gewohnter Weise zugegriffen werden, auch mit mehreren Teilnehmern gleichzeitig. Der Unterschied zu anderen Web-basierenden Konzepten besteht darin, das tatsächlich IQ-Daten übertragen werden, die dann von der gewohnten SDR-Software mit allen Plugins weiter verarbeitet werden kann. Man wird nicht durch die Einschränkungen eines Webbrowsers als SDR-Software behindert.


Der Airpy HF+ 'Discovery' kann mit vielen verschiedenen Programmen, auf unterschiedlichen Betriebssystemen verwendet werden. SDR# ist wahrscheinlich am besten geeignet, da es vom gleichen Entwickler stammt.

  • SDR# (Windows)
  • SDR-Console (Windows)
  • GQRX (Linux, MacOS)

Alle Programme, die eine ExtIO.dll verwenden, können verwendet werden, (zum Beispiel HDSDR, Studio1, Elad FDM-SW2 u.a.)


  • Airspy HF+ Discovery Empfänger
  • USB Kabel (USB-A auf USB Micro-B)

Die technischen Daten des HF+ Discovery

  • Frequenzbereich: 0.5KHz – 31MHz, 60MHz – 260MHz
  • Hochpassfilter bei: 0, 5, 10, 17Mhz
  • Tiefpassfilter bei: 5, 31MHz
  • Bandpassfilter: 60 - 118Mhz & 118 - 260Mhz
  • Mitlaufende Bandpassfilter
  • Empfindlichkeit: 0.02uV bei 15Mhz und 500Hz Bandbreite
  • MDS (kleinstes empfangbare Signal über dem Grundrauschen) bei 500Hz Bandbreite: -140dBm
  • Grosssignalverhalten inBand: IP3+: +15dBm bei HF
  • Grosssignalverhalten inBand IP3+: +13dBm bei VHF
  • Dynamikbereich HF: 110dB
  • Dynamikbereich VHF: 95dB
  • DDC: 18bit
  • Neuartiger Mehrphasen- Mischer zur Unterdrückung von Oberwellen
  • Frequenzstabilität: 0.5ppm
  • Ultra Rauscharmer, stabilisierter Oszillator (TCXO)
  • SMA- Antennenanschlüsse für HF & VHF
  • Micro USB- Anschluss
  • Betriebsspannung 5V ( über USB- Buchse)
  • Keine Treiber notwendig (Plug & Play) mit SDR#
  • Betriebsarten: AM, SAM, LSB, USB, CW, FM oder Softwareabhängig
  • Bandbreiten des Spektrums: 12KHz, 24KHz, 48KHZ, 96KHz, 192KHz, 384KHZ, 768KHz (SDR# V1.0.0.1700) oder Softwareabhängig
  • Masse: 60x45x10mm (BxTxH)
  • Gewicht: 30g
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Accessory Items

Boni-Whip Active Antenna
Boni-Whip Active Antenna 20kHz - 300MHz Wide frequency range 20 kHz - 300 MHz Small dimensions  Ideal for traveling, at home or DX-Camps The BONI-WHIP active antenna replaces the very successful Mini-Whip antenna. Despite its size (only approx. 17 cm long), it renders excellent reception results on longwave, mediumwave and shortwave and additionally for VHF up to 300 MHz. We developed this antenna ourselves and it is built here in Germany, so it really is “Made in Germany” by Bonito. The antenna offers a lot of improvements and better values than the original Mini-Whip. In our newsroom you can see a benchmark test between the Boni-Whip vs. the Mini.Whip: Even on very low frequencies the Boni-Whip produces very good reception results. It can be used beginning with 20 kHz and is a good choice for listeners who are interested in low frequencies. We also thought about radio listeners who are interested in high frequencies and extended the range to 300 MHz. Even with only a little effort you can achieve fantastic reception results; and because of its small size, the antenna can be erected inconspicuously.  The active antenna circuitry is cased in a weather resistant box. The voltage supply is delivered by the antenna cable and the included power supply module.  Boni-Whip: As flexible as you Because of its interchangeable radiating elements (Whips) the Boni-Whip can be used with different elements for experiments. The antenna can thus be adjusted to the surrounding environment or a special reception area. Customer comment I have performed extensive outdoor tests on the Boni-Whip at various locations in Germany, Austria, and USA; and even I am amazed that we have produced an antenna with such small size, mobility and excellent performance/price ratio. You will get a noticeably better antenna for almost the same price as the original Mini-Whip. Boni-Whip: Quality made in Germany The electronics of the Boni-Whip are manufactured in Germany by an ISO9000-certified assembly company in industrial quality and assembled by us in the Bonito QTH. Technical data Boni-Whip Frequency range: 20 kHz -300 MHz Voltage supply: 12V-15V Gain: 3dB Upper Frequency Limit: (-1db): 300 MHz IP3: +32.5 dBm IP2: +55 dBm What's in the Box:  Boni-Whip active Antenna  Junction box  Whip / Radiator 5,5mm/2,1mm barrel DC power connector What else do i need? The Boni-Whip shortwave antenna is delivered without a coaxial cable, as everyone needs a different length. We offer you the right coaxial cables such as the H155 or the even better shielded Hyperflex 5 in different lengths. You need two coax cables: A coax cable between the Boni-Whip and the feeder with BNC plugs. In addition, another coaxial cable, from the feed switch (BNC plug) to your receiver. A stabilized 12V DC transformer power supply (no switching power supply!) Which can deliver approx. 150mA with a 5.5 / 2.1mm barrel connector is required for the power supply. The mast bracket, which is available in 28mm and 40mm, is useful for mounting on the mast etc. The OVP1000 surge arrester can also be useful for current weather events. To protect the BNC connector against weather influences, we offer a self-vulcanizing adhesive tape called NittoTape. If you want a little more amplification, you can also use the longer and flexible radiator, which brings approx 3 dB more level. Please note: The offered coaxial cables are custom-made and cannot be exchanged at a later date!Total length of the cable: cable cut +/- 3% + connector

From €119.00*
This simple, lightweight travel loop is quick to deploy and the perfect companion for Airspy and similar SDR radios!   Most of the problems were related to ineffective RX antennas that were too sensitive to the surrounding noise. So we decided to design a new Noise Cancelling Passive Loop (NCPL) to fix the noise problem. The YouLoop is a generalization of the Möbius loop where a balanced electric shield is used as the centre of a multi-turn loop. The rest of the turns run inside the shield. To preserve this electric balance from alteration by the transmission line, a low loss miniature BALUN is used. The more turns, the higher gain at the lower frequencies. Note that to preserve the electric balance, the number of turns increases by increments of two. An aspect of this two-turns coax build is its response in VHF. The same HF magnetic loop can be used in the FM and the 2m HAM bands with a slight change of its core principle, it’s now a folded dipole. The feed point of the folded dipole is on the top and the actual legs are composed of the coax ground. In order to further improve the impedance matching and flatten the frequency response, a high impedance external pre-amplifier can be used near the antenna to present a constant output impedance to the receiver. This could be the best option for you if you do not want or cannot build the antenna from scratch. AS the only remaining action is to connect the SMA cables. Specification HF Response: 10kHz to 30 MHz VHF Response: up to 300 MHz Maximum Power: 250 mW No Tuning required Low-Loss Wide-Band BALUN with 0.28 dB loss typ. Dimensions: H-31cm x W-24cm x L-17cm Weight: 0.5kg

BNC-SMA Adapter in premium Quality
BNC-SMA Adapter in premium Quality Many of the small entry-level SDRs such as SDRplay, Airspy, Airspy HF+ etc. as well as the high-quality Winradio, Elad FDM-S1 and FDM-S2 etc. have an SMA socket as an external antenna connector. This premium adapter, made of nickel-plated bronze, adapts a receiver or handheld radio with an SMA socket to a BNC socket. Quality you feel and hear You will immediately notice the high weight. This is because this adapter is made of nickel-plated bronze in premium quality. The PTFE dielectric ensures lowest insertion loss and a quiet frequency response.  Technical specifications Type: BNC female to SMA male Case: bronze, nickel plated Center pin: bronze with gold coating Frequency range: DC to 4GHz Dielectric: PTFE RoHS : Compliant

Mini adapter cable
Mini adapter cable Very short, flexible adapter cable made of Hyperflex 5 for short connections in top quality. The mini adapter cable is the ideal solution if you either want to connect two devices of different sizes or need a short, flexible coax connection. If you want to connect small SDRs like the Airspy HF+ with accessories like the GI300/or GI1000, there is often a problem: the BNC adapter and the GI300 or GI1000 are much bigger than the HF+ SDR receiver. Now you could use a regular adapter cable, but since the GI300/1000 separates the ground from the line, the cable must be as short as possible, but still flexible enough to bridge the height difference. Also, it is often not a good idea to plug the GI 1000 directly into a device, as the weight could damage the socket. This mini adapter cable consists of a short piece of Hyperflex 5, about 10-14cm long and SMA or BNC connectors. The result is impressive and works very well.

From €12.50*
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Adapterkabel Konfigurator
Adapterkabel  Adapterkabel aus Hyperflex 5 Low-Loss Koaxialkabel nach Ihren Wünschen. Viele der kleinen Einsteiger-SDR's wie SDRPlay, Airspy, Airspay HF+ etc. als auch die hochwertigen Winradio, Elad FDM-S1 und FDM-S2 etc. haben als externen Antennenanschluss eine SMA-Buchse. Wenn man nun eine externe Antenne oder einen Verteiler mit N Anschluss verwenden möchte, braucht man einen Adapter. Da die Standardadapter SMA auf N sehr groß bzw. viel zu massig für den jeweiligen Empfänger sind, leidet die SMA-Buchse am Empfänger und es kommt schon nach kurzer Zeit zu Kontaktschwierigkeiten oder sogar brechen der SMA Buchse. Im schlimmsten Fall muss die sogar SMA-Buchse im Empfänger sogar getauscht werden.  Die Adapterkabel können Sie zum Beispiel direkt an die SMA-Buche des Empfängers anschließen. Die angebotenen Längen dieses Adapterkabels haben wir aus der Praxis heraus gewählt. Andere Längen können wir natürlich individuell nach Ihren Wünschen anfertigen. Sollten Sie anderen Längen oder Stecker wünschen, kontaktieren Sie uns einfach. Auf die Schirmung kommt es an. Einige OM’s verwenden die dünnen Chinakabel, die einen geringen Durchmesser haben und somit sehr flexibel sind. Leider haben solche Kabel nur eine sehr geringe Schirmung von weniger als 40dB. Aber gerade auf den letzten Metern sollte man die höchste Schirmung haben! Warum? Im Haus wimmelt es von potentiellen Störern wie Schaltnetzteile, LEDs, Induktionsherd usw. Auch der PC und der Monitor sind meist in direkter Nähe und können unschöne Einflüsse haben. Aus diesen Gründen bieten Ihnen die Adapterkabel aus dem flexiblen Hyperflex 5 Koaxkabel an, das mit 105dB die aktuell höchst mögliche Schirmung hat. Damit werden Störeinflüsse bereits auf dem Weg in den Receiver stark minimiert.   Informationen zum Kabel Das Hyperflex 5 von Messi & Paoloni ist ein doppelt geschirmtes Low-Loss Koaxialkabel mit 5,4 mm Durchmesser und 50 Ohm Impedanz. Es ist ein sehr flexibles Koaxkabel, bei sehr niedrigem Dämpfungsverhalten und exzellenter Schirmung (105db!). Die gravierenden Unterscheide zwischen Hyperflex 5 und RG58U haben wir in einem Artikel ausführlich, mit vielen realen Beispielen beschrieben: zum Artikel Auch bei diesem Adapterkabel verwenden wir bei der Konfektionierung einen speziellen Schrumpfschlauch mit Heißschmelzkleber. Der Schrumpfschlauch mit Heißschmelzkleber dient sowohl der Versiegelung der Stoßstellen von Stecker und Hülse und gleichzeitig auch als Knickschutz. Zusätzlich bietet es weitere Anschlussmöglichkeiten via BNC. Wichtig! Diese Kabel werden für Sie zugeschnitten und unterliegen somit nicht dem Widerrufsrecht. Dämpfung bei 20°C FREQUENCY dB/100m dB/100ft 1,8 MHz  1,48  0,453,5 MHz  1,91  0,587,0 MHz  2,33  0,7110 MHz  2,63  0,8014 MHz  3,04  0,9321 MHz  3,64  1,1128 MHz  4,16  1,2750 MHz  5,58  1,70100 MHz  8,02  2,44144 MHz  9,66  2,94200 MHz  11,44  3,49400 MHz  16,37  4,99430 MHz  17,00  5,18800 MHz  23,48  7,161000 MHz  26,46  8,071296 MHz  30,50  9,302400 MHz  42,58 12,983000 MHz  48,1  14,664000 MHz  56,95  17,365000 MHz  65,29  19,906000 MHz  72,92  22,23 Bitte beachten Sie:  Diese Kabel sind Maßanfertigungen und somit vom späteren Umtausch ausgeschlossen! Gesamtlänge des Kabels: Kabelzuschnitt +/- 3% + Steckverbinder

From €18.89*
BNC-SMA Adapter in premium Quality
BNC-SMA Adapter in premium Quality Many of the small entry-level SDRs such as SDRplay, Airspy, Airspy HF+ etc. as well as the high-quality Winradio, Elad FDM-S1 and FDM-S2 etc. have an SMA socket as an external antenna connector. This premium adapter, made of nickel-plated bronze, adapts a receiver or handheld radio with an SMA socket to a BNC socket. Quality you feel and hear You will immediately notice the high weight. This is because this adapter is made of nickel-plated bronze in premium quality. The PTFE dielectric ensures lowest insertion loss and a quiet frequency response.  Technical specifications Type: BNC female to SMA male Case: bronze, nickel plated Center pin: bronze with gold coating Frequency range: DC to 4GHz Dielectric: PTFE RoHS : Compliant

Paloran 200 passive Loop Antenna
Coax cable HF214UF 2x BNC: Without coax cable HF214UF | Mast mounting: no Mast mounting | Weather protection case: No Weather protection case
Ultra-wideband frequency range from 9kHz to 200MHz Different radiator shapes and sizes can be used Can be used indoors and outdoors Additional ground connection (M5) at the case High quality processing; splash-proof housing, all screw connections are made in stainless steel Small packaging = low shipping costs The PALORAN 200 is a high-quality broadband passive loop antenna for a Frequency range of 9kHz to 200MHz. The Paloran 200 antenna is a good alternative when you have sufficient room to install it and if you want low-interference reception at the same time. In the near field area (i.e. less than approx three wavelengths), loop antennas mainly react to the magnetic (H-field) component of the electromagnetic field. Therefore, the reception of mainly electric (E-field) disturbances is effectively suppressed, which is especially noticeable in the lower frequency range (VFL/longwave/medium wave and lower shortwave bands because of less radio interference. Due its merely passive operating principle, the Paloran 200 needs more space than other active loop antennas. The PALORAN’s loop has a circumference of about 15m. The advantage is that the antenna produces no intermodulation or other internally generated disturbing components. It does not need a power supply, either. Recommendation Near the sea or in case of possible contact with salt water we strongly recommend the use of our weather protection case. Scope of delivery: Paloran200 15 Meters (49ft) PVC coated stainless steel wire (V4A) 2x Isolators Manual

From €199.00*
Boni-Whip Active Antenna
Boni-Whip Active Antenna 20kHz - 300MHz Wide frequency range 20 kHz - 300 MHz Small dimensions  Ideal for traveling, at home or DX-Camps The BONI-WHIP active antenna replaces the very successful Mini-Whip antenna. Despite its size (only approx. 17 cm long), it renders excellent reception results on longwave, mediumwave and shortwave and additionally for VHF up to 300 MHz. We developed this antenna ourselves and it is built here in Germany, so it really is “Made in Germany” by Bonito. The antenna offers a lot of improvements and better values than the original Mini-Whip. In our newsroom you can see a benchmark test between the Boni-Whip vs. the Mini.Whip: Even on very low frequencies the Boni-Whip produces very good reception results. It can be used beginning with 20 kHz and is a good choice for listeners who are interested in low frequencies. We also thought about radio listeners who are interested in high frequencies and extended the range to 300 MHz. Even with only a little effort you can achieve fantastic reception results; and because of its small size, the antenna can be erected inconspicuously.  The active antenna circuitry is cased in a weather resistant box. The voltage supply is delivered by the antenna cable and the included power supply module.  Boni-Whip: As flexible as you Because of its interchangeable radiating elements (Whips) the Boni-Whip can be used with different elements for experiments. The antenna can thus be adjusted to the surrounding environment or a special reception area. Customer comment I have performed extensive outdoor tests on the Boni-Whip at various locations in Germany, Austria, and USA; and even I am amazed that we have produced an antenna with such small size, mobility and excellent performance/price ratio. You will get a noticeably better antenna for almost the same price as the original Mini-Whip. Boni-Whip: Quality made in Germany The electronics of the Boni-Whip are manufactured in Germany by an ISO9000-certified assembly company in industrial quality and assembled by us in the Bonito QTH. Technical data Boni-Whip Frequency range: 20 kHz -300 MHz Voltage supply: 12V-15V Gain: 3dB Upper Frequency Limit: (-1db): 300 MHz IP3: +32.5 dBm IP2: +55 dBm What's in the Box:  Boni-Whip active Antenna  Junction box  Whip / Radiator 5,5mm/2,1mm barrel DC power connector What else do i need? The Boni-Whip shortwave antenna is delivered without a coaxial cable, as everyone needs a different length. We offer you the right coaxial cables such as the H155 or the even better shielded Hyperflex 5 in different lengths. You need two coax cables: A coax cable between the Boni-Whip and the feeder with BNC plugs. In addition, another coaxial cable, from the feed switch (BNC plug) to your receiver. A stabilized 12V DC transformer power supply (no switching power supply!) Which can deliver approx. 150mA with a 5.5 / 2.1mm barrel connector is required for the power supply. The mast bracket, which is available in 28mm and 40mm, is useful for mounting on the mast etc. The OVP1000 surge arrester can also be useful for current weather events. To protect the BNC connector against weather influences, we offer a self-vulcanizing adhesive tape called NittoTape. If you want a little more amplification, you can also use the longer and flexible radiator, which brings approx 3 dB more level. Please note: The offered coaxial cables are custom-made and cannot be exchanged at a later date!Total length of the cable: cable cut +/- 3% + connector

From €119.00*