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Weather protection case for MegaLoop and MegaDipol

Product information "Weather protection case for MegaLoop and MegaDipol"

Weatherproof housing for MegaLoop and MegaDipol

This UV-protected and ventilated polycarbonate case protects your MegaLoop (all models since 2014) or MegaDipol from heavy rainfall and other extreme weather conditions like a second skin. A sliding stainless steel sleeve additionally protects the drain on the BNC connector. The screw connections for the radiating elements and grounding are led through to the outside and are also made of stainless steel.

When operating in salty environments and near the sea, the weatherproof housing should definitely be used additionally. Our antennas are designed to be splash-proof, but salty capillary water can conquer even the best sealing gasket over time. The rear ventilated weatherproof housing effectively prevents direct contact of the antenna electronics with harmful weather influences.


Assembly Instructions

You can find assembly instructions here: LINK

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MegaDipol MD300DX Active Dipole
OMG ?! This antenna will amaze you! The MegaDipole 300DX is a broadband active dipole with a maximum upper working frequency of 300 MHz. The dipole reacts to the electrical component (E-Field) of the electromagnetic field and will deliver best results regarding signal strength and SNR (signal -to-noise-ratio) at locations with little or no locally generated interference. Nonetheless, the receiver to be coupled to this antenna should have a high enough dynamic range so that it can effectively process the received signals. In contrast to simple E-field antennas with only one radiating element, the symmetrical construction of the MegaDipole 300DX, will result in almost no negative resonance effects or reflections caused by the coaxial cable. First choice for DXer The MegaDipol MD300DX is the ideal antenna for DXers. Particularly in electrically quiet environments, it can really play to its strength in efficiently amplifying weak signals. In practical operations, a maximum signal-to-noise ratio of 110dB was achieved! (see image ) Wideband With prodigious broadband capability and constant receive characteristics the MegaDipol MD300DX is ideal for wideband receivers, SDR's and WEB-SDR such as KiwiSDR etc. The MegaDipol MD300DX can of course also be operated on all other receivers, including lower-end SDRs and portable world receivers. Dual Power Power Supply The MegaDipol is nominally supplied with 10 - 15V DC (max 40mA), however, it can be operated across a wide variety of supply voltages. The antenna can even be operated with slightly reduced IP values at the same gain with only 5 volts via USB. This offers a significant advantage in that you can supply the MegaDipol on trips away from the radio shack or DX expeditions autonomously, using a low-noise USB power-bank. "The MegaDipol has already attracted a lot of attention with its receive performance at various events such as DX-Camps, field days and in-house exhibitions. In these tests, the MD300DX surpassed the existing antennas usually by 10-15dB in the SNR." You want to test the MegaDipol MD300DX live on air? If you would like to test the MegaDipol MD300DX live, you can now conveniently do this over the Internet with a KIWI SDR. Just click on this Link and you can browse the whole band from 10kHz to 30MHz. The linked KIWI-SDR with a vertical MegaDipol MD300DX is in Ireland and can handle up to 4 users at a time. Further test links: KIWI-SDR in Norway, south of Oslo: LINK Customer Feedback"MegaDipol has arrived and installed. It seems to be a great antenna, especially compared to dimensions!" Technical data Frequency range: 9kHz - 300MHz IP3: typ. +30dBm (@7.00 & 7.20MHz) IP2: typ. +78dBm (@7.00 & 7.20MHz) Size/weight: 98 x 90 x 38mm / 0.12kg Whats in the Box? MegaDipol MD300DX Power Inserter CPI 1500UNI 2x 2.5m long radiating elements (PVC-coated, salt-water resistant stainless steel ropes) 2 insulators for installation (weatherproof plastic material with 4.5mm fixing hole) As noted previously, it is important that the connected receiver has a correspondingly high dynamic range in order to be able to optimally process the delivered signals. Recommendation Near the sea or in case of possible contact with salt water we strongly recommend the use of our weather protection case. Please note! The offered coax cables are custom-made and therefore not returnable / refundable.

From €469.00*
Paloran 200 passive Loop Antenna
Coax cable HF214UF 2x BNC: Without coax cable HF214UF | Mast mounting: no Mast mounting | Weather protection case: No Weather protection case
Ultra-wideband frequency range from 9kHz to 200MHz Different radiator shapes and sizes can be used Can be used indoors and outdoors Additional ground connection (M5) at the case High quality processing; splash-proof housing, all screw connections are made in stainless steel Small packaging = low shipping costs The PALORAN 200 is a high-quality broadband passive loop antenna for a Frequency range of 9kHz to 200MHz. The Paloran 200 antenna is a good alternative when you have sufficient room to install it and if you want low-interference reception at the same time. In the near field area (i.e. less than approx three wavelengths), loop antennas mainly react to the magnetic (H-field) component of the electromagnetic field. Therefore, the reception of mainly electric (E-field) disturbances is effectively suppressed, which is especially noticeable in the lower frequency range (VFL/longwave/medium wave and lower shortwave bands because of less radio interference. Due its merely passive operating principle, the Paloran 200 needs more space than other active loop antennas. The PALORAN’s loop has a circumference of about 15m. The advantage is that the antenna produces no intermodulation or other internally generated disturbing components. It does not need a power supply, either. Recommendation Near the sea or in case of possible contact with salt water we strongly recommend the use of our weather protection case. Scope of delivery: Paloran200 15 Meters (49ft) PVC coated stainless steel wire (V4A) 2x Isolators Manual

From €199.00*
Spiderbeam 12m HD Mast
Spiderbeam 12m HD Mast Der Spiderbeam Heavy Duty Fiberglasmast eignet sich perfekt zum Bau verschiedenster Antennen. Eine einzelne Person kann den Mast spielend leicht innerhalb weniger Minuten aufstellen. Speziell verstärkt und eigens entwickelt aufgrund unserer fortlaufenden Bemühungen nach noch besser belastbarem Portabel-Equipment! Dies sind extrem robuste Masten, mit deutlich dickerer Wandstärke (bis zu 2mm!) als die herkömmlichen "Angelruten". Sie sind in einer speziell verstärkten Wicklungsweise hergestellt - viele Lagen Fiberglas in abwechselnder Richtung (längs/quer) gewickelt ergeben eine deutliche Verstärkung in Längs- und Querrichtung. Stärkere Verbindungsstellen wurden außerdem durch eine deutlich größere Überlappung der einzelnen Rohrsegmente untereinander erreicht. Spiderbeam Heavy Duty Masten eignen sich prima zum Bau von 40/80/160m Draht Vertikals bzw. inverted L Antennen. (Lee W9OY hat damit z.B. eine leistungsfähige 80/40m Vertical aufgebaut)  Sie eignen sich ebenso gut für leichte 1-Ele Quads oder Delta Loops für 20-10m, oder auch Dipole für alle Bänder, besonders bei Speisung mit Hühnerleiter (die meisten Baluns sind ein bisschen schwer). Mit mehreren dieser Masten ist der Bau von Leichtbau-Beams für 40 oder 80m denkbar. Da sogar das oberste Segment 8mm Durchmesser (und 1.4mm Wandstärke) auweist, kann man diese Stangen auf der vollen 12m Länge benutzen - bei anderen Stangen sind die obersten Segmente meist so dünn wie eine Reitpeitsche und daher kaum zu etwas zu gebrauchen. Während unserer Tests konnten wir 80m inverted Vee Dipole (aus 1mm Kupferlackdraht) ganz oben in der Mastspitze befestigen, was mit einer "Angelrute" auf keinen Fall möglich ist. In 9-10m Höhe lassen sich ohne Probleme kleine VHF/UHF Yagis befestigen. Der beste (und günstigste) Draht für solche Anwendungen (Vertikals, Loops, Dipole, etc.) ist 1mm Kupferlackdraht o.ä. Zum Abspannen eignet sich 1mm Angelsehne o.ä. hervorragend. Die ersten Prototypen wurden November/Dezember 2004 an der Nordsee bei Windstärken bis zu 120 km/h erfolgreich getestet! Seitdem wurden weit über 3000 dieser Masten weltweit erfolgreich installiert. Gleich bestellen und ab sofort Portabelfunk mit einem Profi-Mast der neuen Generation geniessen. Speziell verstärkter Profi Fiberglas-Teleskopmast volle Höhe (Länge) 12m Transportlänge 1.18m Gewicht 3.3kg Durchmesser unten 55mm Durchmesser oben 8mm Wandstärke 1.4mm (oben) - 2mm (unten) Anzahl der Segmente 12 Material Fiberglas, schwarz, UV beständigmehrlagig gewickelt und speziell verstärkt    

€95.00* €105.00* (9.52% saved)