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Product information "PowerBank"


Actually this PowerBank is intended for charging smartphones. But this model can also power our antennas: MegaLoop, MegActiv 305 and GigActiv 3005, autonomously and noise-free.

Ideal for mobile use. 5V with 4000mAh, including USB 3.0 connection cable (approx. 10 cm long)

Technical specifications

Input voltage: DC 5 V, ≥ 500 mA (USB compatible)

Output voltage: 4.2 V ± 1% (charging slot) / 5 V ± 5% (USB)

Output current: 2 x 1A MAX (charging slot) / 2A MAX (USB)

Dimensions: 94 mm × 44 mm × 25 mm

Weight: 46.5 g (without connection cable)

Scope of delivery:

Powerbank with 2x18650 LI-ION batteries (2x 2000mAh), 2x retaining rubber, 1x USB 3.0 connection cable

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Accessory Items

USB Power cable for the CPI1500
This USB cable enables the 5V power supply of the CPI1500UNI via a USB connection. With this little helper "USB barrel plug adapter" you can easily supply the CPI1500UNI power inserter with the USB socket from the computer, power bank etc. Specification • Connectors: 1 x USB Typ A > DC barell plug• Voltage: 5 V• Cable lenght: ca. 1 meter Specification of the power connector • Masse außen, Plus inner• Maße:  inner: ø ca. 2,1 mm  outer: ø ca. 5,5 mm  Length: ca. 12,5 mm

MegActiv MA305FT active antenna
MegActiv MA305FT Wide Band Active Antenna Wide frequency range 9kHz – 300MHz Small dimensions Dual Power Supply: 5,5V – 15V Selectable FM band stop filter with low pass function Ideal for traveling, at home or DX-Camps IP3:>typ. +30dBm / IP2:>typ. +50dBm Enlarged and flexible 200mm radiating element The new MegActiv MA305FT is an evolution of the popular MegActiv MA305. In addition to small improvements in electronics, the new MegActiv MA305FT has been equipped with a switchable FM band-stop filter. Thus, disturbing radiation from the FM band between 88 and 108 MHz can be easily minimized The new MegActiv MA305FT close the gap between the Boni-Whip and the GigActiv GA3005 E-Field Antennas. This low noise active antenna, which is produced according to the highest standards, covers the frequency range between 9kHz and 300MHz. With a radiating element of only 22 cm / 8,66 inch it can be erected inconspicuously. It can be powered with 5-15 V DC (max.10mA) and alternatively with the supplied Power unit CPI 1500DP via USB. Flexible FM-band stop filter Based on the well proven Megactiv platform, an additional low pass filter and a FM-band stop filter were integrated which can be activated or deactivated with a jumper. In case of FM-interferences, the FM bandstop filter can be activated with a jumper and so FM signals between 88 MHz and 108 MHz will be attenuated by 25 – 40 dB. Flexible power supply The MegActiv MA305FT can be operated by two different kinds of power sources. It can be powered either by a conventional plug power supply (5,5 / 2,1mm round plug) or via USB with a optional Cable. Powering via USB has the advantage that no external power supply is needed and that the antenna can be operated  autonomously and noise-free with a separate USB PowerBank. The supply voltage range is 5 - 15V DC (10mA max) and thus the antenna is also well suited for portable use. You want to test the MegActiv MA305FT live on air? If you would like to test the MegActiv MA305FT active antenna live, you can now conveniently do this over the Internet with a KIWI SDR. Just click on this Link and you can browse the whole band from 10kHz to 30MHz. The linked KIWI-SDR with a MegActiv MA305FT is located in Bonn (DL0DTM Clubstation Deutsche Telekom) and can handle up to 4 users at a time. Features Integrated double surge protection of the active components: Coarse protection by gas discharge tubes with 60V firing voltage with max. pulse leakage current 1kA (8/20µs) with additional integrated ESD fine protection of max. 2kV. Standard delivery with Power unit CPI1500DP (external power supply and USB-operation possible) IP3:>typ. +30dBm IP2:>typ. +50dBm Integrated double overvoltage protection of the active antenna part Integrated double surge protection of the active components: Coarse protection by gas discharge tubes with 60V firing voltage with max. pulse leakage current 1kA (8/20µs) with additional integrated ESD fine protection of max. 2kV. Fernando from did the first comparison Test in Mai 2015 and released this test on his Page in German: Quote from the review by FenuRadio: (translated) "The NTi MegActiv is a small receiving antenna with excellent reception performance. The construction proved to be unproblematic, similar to the Boni-Whip. From VLF up on the FM band, the MegActiv receives very well despite their small size. When properly setup it provides a nearly unbeatable signal / noise ratio!" Whats in the box? MegActiv MA305FT Whip / Radiator Junction box CPI1500DP Made in Germany Please note! The offered coax cables are custom-made and therefore not returnable / refundable.

From €229.00*
Weltempfänger Tecsun PL-990X
Tecsun PL-990X LW / MW / SW / AM / FM / Bluetooth / MP3 Player Der neue Tecsun PL-990X ist ein Upgrade auf den weiterhin verfügbaren und nach wie vor sehr beliebten PL-880. Der PL-880 war ein Meilenstein bei den Weltempfängern und bestach mit hervorragender Empfangsqualität und die umfangreiche Ausstattung, die fast keine Wünsche offen ließ. Tecsun ist es allerdings mit dem PL-990X gelungen noch weitere Verbesserungen und weitere Features hinzuzufügen. Der Tecsun PL-990X kommt etwas größer, mit einem frischen, modernen und mattem Design daher. Die Qualität der Knöpfe hat sich fühlbar verbessert. Die ganze Haptik ist rundum besser geworden. Das Display ist beim PL-990x auch deutlich besser beleuchtet. Dazu kommen neue Funktionen, wie ein integrierter MP3 Player und eine Bluetooth Funktion. Auch die beliebte Kunstledertasche wird im Lieferumfang wieder dabei sein. Schutztasche inklusive Neben der Wurfantenne, Kopfhörern, 2 Akkus und USB-Kabel, ist beim Tecsun PL-990X auch eine schöne Tasche dabei. In der braunen Kunstledertasche ist das Gerät weich eingebettet und gut vor Staub geschützt. Micro-SD-Cardslot und MP3 Player inklusive Eine micro SD-Card, wird unten am Tecsun PL-990X eingesteckt. Man kann diese mit MP3 Dateien bespielen und die gespeicherten MP3s mit dem Gerät abspielen. Anschluss am PC / Notebook Der Tecsun PL-990X lässt sich über das mitgelieferte USB-Kabel mit einem PC oder Notebook verbinden. Man kann darüber ganz leicht eine micro SD-Card mit MP3 Aufnahmen befüllen und ihn sogar als PC-Lautsprecher verwenden! Bluetooth Der Tecsun PL-990x kann auch als Bluetooth Lautsprecher verwendet werden. Man kann ihn mit dem Smartphone; Tablet etc. koppeln und darüber Musik abspielen. SSB-Empfang Am PL-880 gab es ja sehr wenig zu meckern. Allerdings gab immer wieder Stimmen, die sagten, dass der SSB-Empfang manchmal "schnatterte". Tecsun hat sich das zu Herzen genommen und den SSB-Empfang beim PL-990x deutlich verbessert. Ein Schnattern konnten wir im 1:1 Test nicht mehr feststellen. In einem Video mit Live-Empfang, konnten wir das auch sehr schön dokumentieren. AM-Empfang Auch beim AM-Empfang konnte man beim PL-990X Verbesserungen erzielen. Einige Stationen sind jetzt besser verständlich und klingen auch lauter als beim PL-880. Gerade mit größeren Antennen, wie dem MegaDipol zum Beispiel, kamen eigne Stationen deutlich verständlicher herein. Versteckte Funktionen Wie auch schon beim Vorgänger, gibt es beim Tecsun PL-990x sogenannte „hidden features“ versteckte Funktionen. Darunter sind auch ein paar sehr nützliche wie: Man kann zum Beispiel bei LW und MW zwischen der internen Ferritantenne und der Teleskopantenne umschalten. Features & Spezifikationen: (Frequenzbereiche Variieren mit den Tuning Step Settings) LW: 50- 519/50 – 522 KHz (LW kann deaktiviert werden) MW/AM: 522-1620/ 520 – 1710 KHz SW: 1621-29,999/1711- 29,999 KHz FM: 64-108 MHz (Startfrequenz ist einstellbar 64, 76, 87 or 87.5 MHz) Abstimmschritte: LW/MW 9Kkz/10Khz/1Khz FM:100 KHz/10 KHz (PL-990X: 50 KHz bei AM 9 KHz) Direkte Frequenzeingabe Page Memory System with VF (View Frequency) / VM (View Memory) switch Up/Down Scan/Auto or Manual Auto Tuning Storage Haupt- und Finetuning Knöpfe FM Stereo/Mono Schalter Triple Conversion on LW/MW/SW SSB mit LSB/USB  Synchrondetektor bei LSB/USB SW Meter Band Tasten Speicher: 3150 total in 25 Speicherseiten DX/Norm/Local Gain Umschalter für alle Bänder Clock (24 Hour Mode) with Alarm, Sleep Timer, Snooze Multi-function Display with Time/Signal/SN Ratio LED Lighting can be set to Auto or Always On Audio Player – Micro SD Card 128 GB max (Playback only) Supported Audio: 16 bit/44.1 KHz; FLAC / WAV / APE / WMA / MP3 Bluetooth Audio Playback Computer Lautsprecher Modus über USB Anschluss Bass/Treble Tone Umschalter Tastensperre Ausgangsleistung: 450 mw Lautsprecher: 4 Ohm 3Watt Kopfhörerausgang 3,5mm Klinke bei 300 Ohm Line Out 3,5mm Klinke (Level individual einstellbar bei FM und bei LW/AM/SW als Gruppe)  Externer Antenneneingang: Alle Bander 3,5mm Klinke Der Antennenschalter trennt beide internen Antennen, wenn externe Antennen verwendet werden Stromversorgung: 3.7 V (18650 Li-ion Batterie oder extern 5V (USB Type B Microbuchse) Abmessungen (CA.) 198 mm x 120 mm x 38 mm Gewicht ohne Akku: 611g Lieferumfang Weltempfänger TECSUN PL-990x 1x Akku Li-Ion 2600mAh USB Kabel Langdrahtantenne Ohrhörer Hochwertige Transporttasche Bedienungsanleitung in deutscher Sprache

€339.00* €349.00* (2.87% saved)
GigActiv GA3005 Ultra Wideband
GigActiv GA3005 Extreme Wideband Active Antenna Frequency range : 9 kHz - 3 GHz Power Supply: 5,5V - 12V Gain: + 3dB Upper Frequency Limit (-1db): 3000 MHz IP3: > +30 dBm typ. IP2: > +50 dBm typ. Where space is at a premium or you live in an area where an antenna is considered an undesirable element in neighborhood, the new GigActiv GA3005 is the ideal solution for the avid listener with a wide band receiver. The low noise GigActiv 3005 Extreme Wideband Active Antenna by NTi covers the whole frequency range from 9 kHz – 3 GHz. The antenna radiator measures only 10 cm (approx 4 inches) and so the unit can be mounted unobtrusively. The antenna requires a supply voltage of  5 –12V DC  (max. 120mA) fed through the coax cable via the standard supplied  DC interface CPI3000DP. It can also be powered via USB with slightly reduced performance. This is perfect for portable use in combination with a PC, which powers the antenna or the antenna can be powered autonomously and noise-free with a separate USB power bank. For shortwave and above 200MHz an IP3 of  typically > +30dBm is achieved. USB-powering possibleLarge supply voltage range of 5-12V. Thus it can be powered by a regular 12 Volt power supply or even via USB. Autonomously and noise- free via a separate USB Power Bank as well. Whats in the Box?- GigActiv GA3005- Radiator- Junctionbox CPI3000DP (DC interface) Dimesions incl Radiator:185 x 57 x 35mm  (7.28 x 2,24 x 1,38 inch) Made in Germany Please note! The offered coax cables are custom-made and therefore not returnable / refundable.

From €489.00*
MegaDipol MD300DX Active Dipole
OMG ?! This antenna will amaze you! The MegaDipole 300DX is a broadband active dipole with a maximum upper working frequency of 300 MHz. The dipole reacts to the electrical component (E-Field) of the electromagnetic field and will deliver best results regarding signal strength and SNR (signal -to-noise-ratio) at locations with little or no locally generated interference. Nonetheless, the receiver to be coupled to this antenna should have a high enough dynamic range so that it can effectively process the received signals. In contrast to simple E-field antennas with only one radiating element, the symmetrical construction of the MegaDipole 300DX, will result in almost no negative resonance effects or reflections caused by the coaxial cable. First choice for DXer The MegaDipol MD300DX is the ideal antenna for DXers. Particularly in electrically quiet environments, it can really play to its strength in efficiently amplifying weak signals. In practical operations, a maximum signal-to-noise ratio of 110dB was achieved! (see image ) Wideband With prodigious broadband capability and constant receive characteristics the MegaDipol MD300DX is ideal for wideband receivers, SDR's and WEB-SDR such as KiwiSDR etc. The MegaDipol MD300DX can of course also be operated on all other receivers, including lower-end SDRs and portable world receivers. Dual Power Power Supply The MegaDipol is nominally supplied with 10 - 15V DC (max 40mA), however, it can be operated across a wide variety of supply voltages. The antenna can even be operated with slightly reduced IP values at the same gain with only 5 volts via USB. This offers a significant advantage in that you can supply the MegaDipol on trips away from the radio shack or DX expeditions autonomously, using a low-noise USB power-bank. "The MegaDipol has already attracted a lot of attention with its receive performance at various events such as DX-Camps, field days and in-house exhibitions. In these tests, the MD300DX surpassed the existing antennas usually by 10-15dB in the SNR." You want to test the MegaDipol MD300DX live on air? If you would like to test the MegaDipol MD300DX live, you can now conveniently do this over the Internet with a KIWI SDR. Just click on this Link and you can browse the whole band from 10kHz to 30MHz. The linked KIWI-SDR with a vertical MegaDipol MD300DX is in Ireland and can handle up to 4 users at a time. Further test links: KIWI-SDR in Norway, south of Oslo: LINK Customer Feedback"MegaDipol has arrived and installed. It seems to be a great antenna, especially compared to dimensions!" Technical data Frequency range: 9kHz - 300MHz IP3: typ. +30dBm (@7.00 & 7.20MHz) IP2: typ. +78dBm (@7.00 & 7.20MHz) Size/weight: 98 x 90 x 38mm / 0.12kg Whats in the Box? MegaDipol MD300DX Power Inserter CPI 1500UNI 2x 2.5m long radiating elements (PVC-coated, salt-water resistant stainless steel ropes) 2 insulators for installation (weatherproof plastic material with 4.5mm fixing hole) As noted previously, it is important that the connected receiver has a correspondingly high dynamic range in order to be able to optimally process the delivered signals. Recommendation Near the sea or in case of possible contact with salt water we strongly recommend the use of our weather protection case. Please note! The offered coax cables are custom-made and therefore not returnable / refundable.

From €469.00*