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Mini insulator for wire antennas
Mini insulator for wire antennas Our mini insulators from our Endfed kits are now also available seperately. The Mini Isolator can be used multifunctionally, for example as strain relief for dipoles and EndFed antennas. Furthermore it is also suitable as a holder for Endfed antennas or balun housings. Features Color: ClearMaterial: Plastic UV resistantDimensions: 65 x 15 x 8 mm

100 pF Capacitor 2 kV.
Capacitor 100 pF 3 kV The proven capacitors used in our Endfed and Mini-Endfed kits. The capacitor is used for the EndFed impedance transformer to compensate the (unwanted) secondary capacitance.

NITTO 15 - Self fusing butyl rubber tape
NITTO 15 - Self fusing butyl rubber tape 19mm x 5m Ideal to protect your coax connectors from weather and moisture Excellent heat/cold resistant capabilities. The tapes are unified by fusing together. Excellent electrical properties. Completly self-amalgimates in two hours A self-fusing tape which utilizes properties of remarkably heat-resistant, weather-resistant self-fusing tape and silicone resin. Meets a wide range of needs, from insulating material for electric equipment, to insulation, protection, and bundling of automobile wire harnesses. Characteristics of Notto No. 15 Nitto 15 has an excellent volume resistivity, a high breakdown voltage and a low dissipation factor. It is totally resistant to moisture, water and chemicals.Nitto 15 offers excellent electrical insulation, workability and weather protection. The product has a superior weatherability and ozone resistance and because of the linerless system a very short application time. It completely self-amalgamates in two hours. Application Nitto 15 can be used for termination, splicing and corrosion protection of cables. Also insulation and protection of lead shielded cables is possible. The product is used for its waterproof sealing and corrosion protection of cables in marine and off-shore environments. Application temperature: min. –10 °C and max. 40 °CMaximum service temperature: continuously 65 °C and short periods 100 °CAbove 40 °C the tape begins to amalgamate to itself and can become difficult to unwind.

From €8.00*
100 pF Capacitor 2 kV.
Capacitor 100 pF 3 kV The proven capacitors used in our Endfed and Mini-Endfed kits. The capacitor is used for the EndFed impedance transformer to compensate the (unwanted) secondary capacitance.

WRTH 2023 - WORLD RADIO TV HANDBOOK 2023 EditionThe World Radio TV Handbook "lives on"!The famous "WRTH" has been considered the definitive source of broadcast information for seven decades. With the help of an international network of contributors, this invaluable yearbook provides the latest information on medium-wave, short-wave and FM broadcasts and stations. 77th Edition. It is now published by Radio Data Center of Germany. • Dimensions: 229x146x35• Book weight: 910g• Page count: 848 pages• Comparison last year: 176 more pages• ISBN: 978-3-9825017-0-3• Publishing date: 03.02.2023 We anticipate first delivery in February 2023.Pre-orders are being accepted now and will be shipped as soon as the books arrive here.

Antenna Feed Point SO-239
Antenna Feed Point SO-239 Ideal for making wire antennas. Connector: SO-239 Maximum power 1.5 kW Frequency range: up to 150 MHz. Includes cable eyelets to connect the wires.

Antenna feeding point ladder line
Ideal for building wire antennas powered by ribbon-line or ladder-line Connector: suitable for both 300 and 450 Ohm ladder line. Ladder line is popularly known as "chicken ladder"  Maximum power 1.5 kW Frequency range: up to 150 MHz.

Mantelwellensperre / RFI-Choke 1KW
Mantelwellensperre / RFI-Choke 1KW Version Diese Mantelwellensperre vermeidet, dass die Abschirmung des Koaxialkabels nicht Teil des Antennensystems wird und ungewollt abstrahlt. Darüberhinaus dient sie der Anpassung des unsymmetrischen Koaxkabels an symmetrische Antennen und kann daher auch als "1:1" Balun verwendet werden. Durch den Aufbau nach dem W2DU Prinzip, ist die Mantelwellensperre 1KW extrem breitbandig und verlustarm. Eine Vielzahl von hochpermeablen Ferriten werden auf hochtemperaturfestes PTFE Koaxkabel gefädelt, eingeschrumpft und entsprechende Stecker montiert. Somit lässt sie sich leicht in die Koaxzuleitung integrieren. Die Mantelwellensperre 1KW ist ca 45cm lang, sehr breitbandig und verfügt über ca. 1000 Ohm Sperrdämfung im Frequenzbereich von 160m - 2m. Sie ist wetterfest eingeschrumpft und hat 2 hochwertige PL259 Stecker mit PTFE-Dialektrikum und Goldkontakt an den Enden. Ein PL258 Verbinder auch mt PTFE und Goldkontakt ist im Lieferumfang enthalten. WICHTIG! Platzieren Sie die Mantelwellensperre 1KW im Falle einer End Fed-Antenne nicht direkt am Speisepunkt der Antenne!Zwischen dem Transformer der End Fed und der Mantelwellensperren sollte ein Koaxkabel mit einer Länge von >= λ 0,05 (bei 80m etwa 4,20m) eingefügt werden.  

Galvanic Antenna Isolator GI1000
Galvanic Antenna Isolator GI1000 The GI1000 suppresses noise reaching the ground connections on the receiver. The GI1000 covers a wide-band range of 50 kHz - 1000 MHz (typ. 1db insertion loss). The unit can be used in many receiving applications, It will also work with frequencies up to 1,25 GHz but the insertion loss may increase by up to 3db. The unit also has integrated double over-voltage protection and input and output are blocked for DC voltage. The galvanic isolator GI 1000 separates the path of the direct current between the outer shield of the coax cable and the shielding of the antenna feeding line in order to suppress interference caused by potential differences. This is achieved by using a small toroidal transformer. The inner conductor of the coax cable is insulated with capacitors providing coarse and fine voltage surge protection. Specifications: Excellent protection against sheath waves and voltage surges.Double voltage surge protection. On the antenna side Gas Discharge tube with an ignition voltage of 90v. On the receiver side you will find an ESD-diode (30KV; max.pulse power 350W (8/20μs) Input and output has been blocked for direct currents of max. 50V. The GI 1000 is very useful for owners of a PERSEUS SDR who still own the original switching power supply. This little troublemaker has made life hard for many a PERSEUS owner. Caution: Only suitable for reception purposes, high RF performance (> + 10dBm) cause permanent damage!

Spiderbeam 12m HD Mast
Spiderbeam 12m HD Mast Der Spiderbeam Heavy Duty Fiberglasmast eignet sich perfekt zum Bau verschiedenster Antennen. Eine einzelne Person kann den Mast spielend leicht innerhalb weniger Minuten aufstellen. Speziell verstärkt und eigens entwickelt aufgrund unserer fortlaufenden Bemühungen nach noch besser belastbarem Portabel-Equipment! Dies sind extrem robuste Masten, mit deutlich dickerer Wandstärke (bis zu 2mm!) als die herkömmlichen "Angelruten". Sie sind in einer speziell verstärkten Wicklungsweise hergestellt - viele Lagen Fiberglas in abwechselnder Richtung (längs/quer) gewickelt ergeben eine deutliche Verstärkung in Längs- und Querrichtung. Stärkere Verbindungsstellen wurden außerdem durch eine deutlich größere Überlappung der einzelnen Rohrsegmente untereinander erreicht. Spiderbeam Heavy Duty Masten eignen sich prima zum Bau von 40/80/160m Draht Vertikals bzw. inverted L Antennen. (Lee W9OY hat damit z.B. eine leistungsfähige 80/40m Vertical aufgebaut)  Sie eignen sich ebenso gut für leichte 1-Ele Quads oder Delta Loops für 20-10m, oder auch Dipole für alle Bänder, besonders bei Speisung mit Hühnerleiter (die meisten Baluns sind ein bisschen schwer). Mit mehreren dieser Masten ist der Bau von Leichtbau-Beams für 40 oder 80m denkbar. Da sogar das oberste Segment 8mm Durchmesser (und 1.4mm Wandstärke) auweist, kann man diese Stangen auf der vollen 12m Länge benutzen - bei anderen Stangen sind die obersten Segmente meist so dünn wie eine Reitpeitsche und daher kaum zu etwas zu gebrauchen. Während unserer Tests konnten wir 80m inverted Vee Dipole (aus 1mm Kupferlackdraht) ganz oben in der Mastspitze befestigen, was mit einer "Angelrute" auf keinen Fall möglich ist. In 9-10m Höhe lassen sich ohne Probleme kleine VHF/UHF Yagis befestigen. Der beste (und günstigste) Draht für solche Anwendungen (Vertikals, Loops, Dipole, etc.) ist 1mm Kupferlackdraht o.ä. Zum Abspannen eignet sich 1mm Angelsehne o.ä. hervorragend. Die ersten Prototypen wurden November/Dezember 2004 an der Nordsee bei Windstärken bis zu 120 km/h erfolgreich getestet! Seitdem wurden weit über 3000 dieser Masten weltweit erfolgreich installiert. Gleich bestellen und ab sofort Portabelfunk mit einem Profi-Mast der neuen Generation geniessen. Speziell verstärkter Profi Fiberglas-Teleskopmast volle Höhe (Länge) 12m Transportlänge 1.18m Gewicht 3.3kg Durchmesser unten 55mm Durchmesser oben 8mm Wandstärke 1.4mm (oben) - 2mm (unten) Anzahl der Segmente 12 Material Fiberglas, schwarz, UV beständigmehrlagig gewickelt und speziell verstärkt    

€95.00* €105.00* (9.52% saved)
Hamrope PES 4
Hamrope PES 4 Our best selling universal guy line for the radio amateur. For portable and stationary use. The quality polyester has excellent UV resistance and is suitable for long-term use. The elasticity of this braided rope has a shock absorbing effect and is desirable and often necessary for the use of radio amateurs. The attractive design allows the product to fit well into a natural environment, yet be perceived sufficiently. Hamrope PES 4 Polyester, 4mm diameter tensile strength approx. 260 daN(~Kg) Colour: olive green with red marker Length: 50 meter

From €17.50*
USB-Cable with 2 ferrite cores
USB-Cable with 2 ferrite cores High-quality USB-cable with improved shielding and 2 ferrite cores for suppressing interference, for connecting a receiver, antenna switch, antenna splitter, printers, scanners and other devices.. Specification• Connector: USB 2.0 type A male > USB 2.0 type B male• 1 x ferrite core• Data transfer rate up to 480 Mb/s• Colour: black• Cable length: ca. 1,5 m (59.06 In)

Antenna mast mounting bracket for Boni-Whip, MegActiv, GigActiv and Megaloop
This V4A mounting bracket fits for the Boni-Whip, MegActiv, GigActiv and the MegaLoop.

From €17.99*
CCMC30 Common Mode Noise Filter
CCMC30 Common Mode Noise Filter Noise filters are nothing new and are often used for transmitting purposes. They are used to prevent unwanted radiation via the coax shielding. It is less known that they can also suppress unwanted radiation when receiving signals, especially when an active antenna is used. However, in this case, the situation is reversed: en route to the antenna, unwanted interferences from electric home appliances can be effectively eliminated. NTi's Coaxial Common Mode Noise Filter (CCMC30) has been especially optimized for maximum common mode noise rejection of >30dB wide band in the frequency range of 150kHz - 30MHz. With slight limitations a much wider frequency range is covered. In the medium wave range for example a noise suppression of up to 45 dB can be achieved. This is possible by using a cascaded system of ferrite cores with various frequency dependent material properties, combined with high quality coaxial cable. For outdoor use, the system is housed in a water-proof enclosure. We recommend to connect the CCMC30 as closely as possible to the receiver.With regard to efficient noise suppression, the CCMC 30 is not very much different from the galvanic isolator GI1000. However, the CCMC30 performes down to lowest frequencies including DC voltage, in contrast to the GI1000, which blocks DC voltages and very low frequencies. The CCMC30 can thus be connected directly to the coax cable which passes the supply voltage or the control signals to the active antenna. A series connection of the GI1000 directly connected to the receiver followed by the CCMC30 right behind the power inserter may result in an even better performance. Technical Data Guaranteed frequency range: 150 kHz – 30 MHz Common Mode Wave suppression: >30 dB: 150 kHz -30MHz (>20 dB: 30kHz-60MHz) Insertion loss: <1 dB (up to max. 150 MHz) Size: 100x68x50mm (132mm with BNC connectors) Connectors: 2x BNC 50Ohms Weight: 320g Made in Germany

It’s great to reach a clean signal free of FM stations, broadcasts or whatever on modern equipments as ICOM IC7300. This filter is fully designed and manufactured from JG Hitechnology in Italy. Elliptical filter with 7 cells, low pass 0-74MHz. Brass cells separator manufactured especially for this filter. Each cell shielding allows great performances as the possibility to transmit up to 74 MHz and to have at the same time a strong attenuation at 88 MHz of 40 dB(at 98 MHz of 60dB, see graph below). It also allows to cancel FM residuals through all the HF spectrum up to 74 MHz. Usage range : Low pass filter with female/female SO239 connector. You can connect the filter directly between radio and antenna and use it in power with 120 watt. It’s ideal to break down FM residuals on HF (50 MHz and 70 MHz) frequencies for last generation radios like ICOM 7300 and similar. Low drop in reception up to 74 MHz. Uniqueness : Brass cells separator has been designed especially for this filter. 40dB attenuation at 88 MHz, >60 dB attenuation at 98 MHz.  You can transmit up to 74 MHz with 100 W. Connectors:  SO239 female -  SO239 female or N female - N fale Materials: Cylinder shape structure anticorodal (6000 alloy) aluminum made. Red colored anodization. Laser fiber engraving. Technical features :  40dB attenuation at 88 MHz and 50 dB at 98 MHz  Connectors SO239  Ceramic capacitors HI-Q RF 250V

€89.99* €99.99* (10% saved)
7,5 Volt plug AC Adapter with additional noise filter (power supply)
7,5  Volt plug AC Adapter with additional noise filter Low noise unstabilizied 7,5 Volt max. 150mA plug power supply adapter with transformer (no switching power supply). 230 Volts only! This power supply is linear regulated and is no switching power supply. A "real" transformer is installed. Good for active antenna applications such as MegaLoop, MegActiv, MegaDipol and GigActiv. With additional noise filter Interference suppression for network-related interference at the output: 150kHz - 30MHz:> 25dB In the medium wave range even> 40dB Technical data Input: 230V AC / 50Hz / 3,6 W Output: 7,5 V DC / max. 150 mA  (10,5 Volt idle) Dimensions without connectors: 75 x 55 x 60mm Weight: 100 grams Euro Plug Made in Germany

5 Volt Netzteil für KiwiSDR
Der KiwiSDR wird leider ohne passendes Netzteil angeboten. Der KiwiSDR braucht 5Volt und etwa 500mA zum Starten. Wir hatten mir Anfangs mit einem 5Volt Steckernetzteil experimentiert, aber außer viel Störungen nicht viel empfangen können. Durch viel Testen und den Tipp eines netten Kunden, konnten wir ein Netzteil auftreiben, das a.) günstig ist und b.) recht wenig Eigenstörungen verursacht. Wir bieten nun das Ganze als Bundle mit USB auf Hohlsteckerkabel an. Das mitgelieferte Kabel ist 1m lang. Input: 230V AC / 50Hz / 3,8 Watt Output: 5V DC / max. 2100 mA Abmessungen ohne Stecker: 55 x 75 x 60mm  Gewicht: 100 Gramm

€14.00* €19.90* (29.65% saved)
Mini adapter cable
Mini adapter cable Very short, flexible adapter cable made of Hyperflex 5 for short connections in top quality. The mini adapter cable is the ideal solution if you either want to connect two devices of different sizes or need a short, flexible coax connection. If you want to connect small SDRs like the Airspy HF+ with accessories like the GI300/or GI1000, there is often a problem: the BNC adapter and the GI300 or GI1000 are much bigger than the HF+ SDR receiver. Now you could use a regular adapter cable, but since the GI300/1000 separates the ground from the line, the cable must be as short as possible, but still flexible enough to bridge the height difference. Also, it is often not a good idea to plug the GI 1000 directly into a device, as the weight could damage the socket. This mini adapter cable consists of a short piece of Hyperflex 5, about 10-14cm long and SMA or BNC connectors. The result is impressive and works very well.

From €12.50*
Suction Cups
2 piece suction cup for easy attachment of the Loop wire of our MegaLoop FX, ML200, ML060 and ML052 on the window or smooth surfaces. Ideal for travel or home.

Spiderbeam 7m or 10m Mini fiberglass pole
Mini telescopic pole with only 71cm transport length, fits in any suitcase. This pole is easy to carry and ready installed within a minute. Although it is light and small enough to fit in any large suitcase, it was developed to be rugged and durable! This ultra-portable Mini pole has a heavy-duty screw-on base cap at the bottom to protect its segments from rocks and mud. Nubs on the bottom of the pole help prevent slippage. Spiderbeam fiberglass poles are extremely strong, with a much greater wall thickness than the typical "fishing rod" types.It uses a special reinforced winding technique – where several layers of fiberglass are wound in alternating direction (criss-cross wound) – providing greatly increased lateral and linear strength. The Spiderbeam Mini-poles have a much larger overlap between segments than most other fiberglass poles, which assures stronger joints between segments, and results in a much stronger pole. Spiderbeam fiberglass poles are perfect for supporting all kinds of wire antennas.The Spiderbeam Mini poles are great for Geocaching, SOTA, IOTA and any other popular application for traveling ham radio operators. The top segment of the Mini pole is hollow, very rigid and got has a usable inner diameter of 4mm allowing a wire to pass through, or for attaching your mini tool for other applications. Unlike most competitors’ poles where the top segment is a very thin, solid whip, the Spiderbeam Mini pole can be used to its full 7m or 10m length. Technical Data 7 Meters / 23ft fully extracted length (height) 7m (23ft)* transport length 0.71m (2715/16)* weight 1026g (2lbs. 4 oz.) bottom diameter (incl. the cap) 50mm (2")* top diameter 6mm (0.24")* wall thickness 0,7mm - 1,4mm* (0.027" - 0.067")* number of segments 11 pole material black fiberglass, UV protected specially reinforced multilayer winding Technical Data 10 Meters / 32ft fully extracted length (height) 10m (32ft 10")* transport length 0.72m (281/3)* weight 2.220kg (4lbs. 14 oz.)* bottom diameter (cap) 66mm (2 3/5")* bottom diameter (segment) 60mm (21/3")* top diameter 6mm (0.24")* wall thickness 0.7mm - 1.4mm* (0.027"" - 1/18")* number of segments 17 pole material black fiberglass, UV protected specially reinforced multilayer winding

From €50.00* €58.00* (13.79% saved)
3x snaphooks A4
3x snaphooks A4Thanks to their rust resistance (material 316), these stainless steel snaphooks can be used permanently outdoors or in the wet. They have a length of 50 millimeters, with the snap hook measuring five millimeters in diameter. The total weight that this snap hook can support is 95dan, about 85 kilograms. This should be enough for tie-off. Technical data snap hook Length: 50 mmWidth: 25 mmInner length: 40 mmThickness: 5 mmInner width: 15 mmOpening: 7 mminner width eyelet: 8 mmmax. weight load 85 kgmin. breaking load 200 kg

Hamrope PES 4
Hamrope PES 4 Our best selling universal guy line for the radio amateur. For portable and stationary use. The quality polyester has excellent UV resistance and is suitable for long-term use. The elasticity of this braided rope has a shock absorbing effect and is desirable and often necessary for the use of radio amateurs. The attractive design allows the product to fit well into a natural environment, yet be perceived sufficiently. Hamrope PES 4 Polyester, 4mm diameter tensile strength approx. 260 daN(~Kg) Colour: olive green with red marker Length: 50 meter

Spiderbeam Tasche für 12m Mast
Diese kleine, gefütterte Segeltuchtasche mit Tragegurt und robustem Reißverschluss, passt perfekt zu den Spiderbeam Fiberglasmast 12m HD, mit 12m Länge. In dieser Tragetasche, mit gesticktem Logo, lässt sich der Spiderbeam 12m HD bequem und gut geschützt transprotieren oder einlagern. Abmessungen Länge: ca. 126cm Breite: ca. 9cm Gewicht ca. 200g  

7,5 Volt plug AC Adapter (power supply)
7,5  Volt plug AC Adapter Low noise unstabilizied 7,5  Volt max. 150mA plug power adapter with transformer (no switching power supply). 220/230 Volts only! This power supply is linear regulated and is no switching power supply. A "real" transformer is installed. Good for active antenna applications such as MegaLoop, MegActiv, MegaDipol and GigActiv. Input: 230V AC / 50Hz / 3,6 W Output: 7,5 V DC / max. 150 mA  (10,5 Volt idle) Dimensions without connectors: 75 x 55 x 60mm Weight: 100 grams Euro Plug Made in Germany
